Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays?

I was recently laid off from my job, an ad agency that shall remain nameless due to Non disclosure agreements (damn it)After a fun filled weekend involving two funerals I walked into work on time no less to walk out shortly after pink slip in hand. FYI pink slip is not pink its white and is actually menacing paperwork that sums up what ever time you put into an organization. Completely burnable.They should just give out a piece of paper that states use sharpie to write these words, "Will work for Food", by the way thanks for all your hard work it was super duper to have you.

I sat around my house in my bathrobe for two days, watched weeds season 1 and 2 and ate Chinese takeout. I then received a massive anxiety attack and called my recruiter friend and thus far have been a temporary clockwatcher. I must say the anonymous temp job is a relief I don't have to produce anything of value. I can fuck off on the Internet and no one cares...I can write on my blog for hours upon hours. Does it sound as depressing as it feels? Geesh...

Have no fear I have decided to attend to my other talents besides clockwatching and writing bad blogs. I will write again soon on new developments and in the meantime revel in holiday spirit or something cheery including fruitcake or blow jobs whatever fits your fancy fuck it try both at the same time. I can not wait till 2008 is over...By the way the party is at SEA OF DREAMS SF concourse 8th and Brannan featuring Theivery Corp, its going to be amazing.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Random Photos of San Francisco

Grace Cathedral (not the best shot, I took it with my blackberry)
Random Mural on Market and Octavia: Zapitista woman with the word PEACE
Japanese Tea garden
Baker Beach
Christmas at Macy's
This guy was a dead ringer for Hitler minus he likes Pigeons apparantly...

Buddha in the Tea garden.