Thursday, September 3, 2009

Golf Ball

I swallowed a golf ball

I know you didn’t think I could do it all

I did it and I swallowed it all the whole thing

it sat in my chest for a year or two

Just like I knew it would do

then it fell a bit lower

I thought it would get stuck and just call it a day

but then it found another place to stay

it sat in my belly even when I ate jelly and jam sandwiches

even after I threw fits

there it sat growing fat

that’s when it got angry and mean

so flashlight in hand Dr Norman took a stand

he lassoed it up and tied it around and cauterized it

so then when I awoke

he laughed and made jokes "that was the biggest golf ball Ive seen so far!"

I swallowed a golf ball...its not very silly at all...

Icky little golf ball....

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