Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Occular Migraine on the 1

I got my first ocular migraine when I was 20. It was awesome after 3 hours in emergency and nothing to show for it except having been poked and probed the whole time my doctor gave up and sent me home. Only for me to endure another round of testing until the doctor said "oh, I bet its an ocular migraine. There's nothing we can do just take some Advil," Really?

So as I was returning on the 1 yesterday enjoying the majestic coast line I had quite possibly the worst Ocular migraine of my life thus far. I couldn't see anything. Above is a good representation of what this is like. Except with even less visibility. The best was when this happened while driving in San Jose, Costa Rica. Super duper fun!

I pulled over at a state beach and sat in my car for over an hour until my vision came back, so not fun. After my vision came back the vice around my head clamped down tighter and I was forced to drive with a splitting headache that decided to linger for 7 more hours. 
This is the beach I hung out at till I could see.
Good news I think I have a job and might be able to live in Tahoe with my animals.

Bad news my migraines are getting worse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No fun, is it? I've had a few of them now and I thank the companies that have created so many over-the-counter migraine meds! One hint... if you can get to some medication at the same time the vision problems occur, you will likely miss all that pain that usually follows! Just had one yesterday, so I can testify to that!