Friday, September 12, 2008

The GOP's newest Minion

Sarah Palin: A round of applause for the newest member of the mainstream GOP minion. A woman... I think but, who has a clear and definitive disdain for womens' health, foreign policy and of course conservation in any form.

So in addition to her anti-woman politics, pro-gun and more war political stance. She is staunchly against embryonic Stem cell research. With, an infant son with down syndrome and as a mother of five, she is against the clear answer to researching cures for almost every disease affecting humans (including down syndrome) and the mammalian life around us. It is astonishing that this woman has made it this far in her career knowing how she is against some of the most logical and well balanced policies and research we have to date. Stem Cell research has been around since the 1960's it is surely not such a gregarious idea to want to actually cure ,I don't know say, CANCER.

Think for a moment about anyone you love... think about them clearly as a healthy, vibrant, and alive person. Now think what would I do if I found out they had cancer? How would I try to help? Its an inherent quality in humans that even a stranger cannot say no to another human in the midst of a crisis in the perils of tragedy or advanced disease states. So why are we continuing to block and elect policy makers leaders who do not want to assist a populous that is in crisis or that has advanced disease. Who are these aliens to the human race? Why are they being elected to lead to make laws and mandates that affect all of us and they have no compassion they lack empathy and make decisions based on voices from God? They actually hear voices and they are considered sane and able bodied to lead a world power? WTF?

Case Study: My Dad, my friend, my stepfather, my biggest fan...has terminal cancer he is dying he is dying faster than we expected. He keeps collecting new diseases to add to the laundry list of fucked molecular cell degeneration in his body. Do you think for one moment that I am not scouring the pages on new clinical drug trials in his area for him to consider? Do you think if on Novembers ballot I would vote for some disjointed American politician who thought for one moment that potential research that can cure my family was unethical that wouldn't work? NO Way!

The American public is losing its grip on reality and the apathy of our society is frightening. I know I'm not the only person who knows someone who has cancer or died of cancer, AIDS or any of these heartbreaking diseases. So why is there even a question about the need for this research. Our government makes decisions every day based on the principle of: take out one to save thousands but, they contradict themselves with stem cell research. They can save lives, they can cure cancer with this vital and important research yet they wont pull the trigger too afraid to allow it based on a group who will kill a doctor to save an embryo. I'm disappointed in our leadership, in our choices, and in our country if our country elects the GOP ticket in November it will be...well I will start praying.

The McCain/Palin leadership will make the McCarthy era look like the good ole' days in American politics. Imagine a world where you have to go to Mexico or Canada to get birth control, where teens too scared to tell their parents they are pregnant stab their uterus with coat hangers and kill themselves. Imagine continuing to invade, occupy, and be in a constant state of War. Imagine all health benefits gone or priced so high that you cant afford to got to the doctor. Imagine no public education, closing libraries, a deficit that will have your great great grandchildren unable to pay off. Imagine your county being outsourced to China. Imagine military on our streets, assault rifles in the hands of mad men, and violence at heightened states. Imagine any third world country in the perils of unrest and know that this is the direction we are headed if things do not change.

In the words of Bob Dylan: "You've thrown the worst fear that could ever be thrown, a fear to bring children into this world. You threaten my baby unborn and unnamed. You ain't worth the blood that flows through your veins"

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